Definition of Newts Hierarchical Category as it relates to Animals, Amphibians, Poriferans, Poriferans Species
A group of semi-aquatic amphibians belonging to the Salamandridae family, known for their ability to regenerate limbs, eyes, spinal cords, hearts, intestines, and jaws. As part of the broader animal kingdom, they share certain traits with poriferans, or sponges, including multicellular, heterotrophic life forms with limited mobility and a water-dependent life cycle.
Child Hierarchical Categories
Amphibians Class
Amphibians Family
Amphibians Genus
Amphibians Kingdom
Amphibians Order
Amphibians Types
Animal Class
Animal Families
Animal Genus
Animal Order
Newts Class
Newts Family
Newts Genus
Newts Kingdom
Newts Order
Newts Types
Poriferans Class
Poriferans Family
Poriferans Genus
Poriferans Kingdom
Poriferans Order
Poriferans Types