Gymnophiona Amphibians
Definition of Gymnophiona Amphibians Hierarchical Category as it relates to Animals, Amphibians, Mammals
Gymnophiona Amphibians are a unique order of limbless, burrowing amphibians, also known as caecilians. They form part of the broader animal kingdom, specifically under the category of Amphibians, which also includes frogs and salamanders. Although they share the same kingdom with mammals, they are distinctly separate due to their specific biological characteristics and adaptations.
Child Hierarchical Categories
Amphibian Anatomy
Amphibian Classification
Amphibian Evolution
Amphibian Habitat
Amphibian Species
Animal Anatomy
Animal Behavior
Animal Classification
Animal Conservation
Animal Diet
Animal Evolution
Animal Reproduction
Animal Species
Aquatic Animals
Cold-Blooded Animals
Diurnal Animals
Endangered Animals
Gymnophiona anatomy
Gymnophiona classification
Gymnophiona evolution
Gymnophiona species
Mammal Anatomy
Mammal Classification
Mammal Evolution
Mammal habitat
Mammal Species
Nocturnal Animals
Terrestrial Animals
Warm-Blooded Animals