General NonFiction Books
Definition of General NonFiction Books Hierarchical Category as it relates to Books, Non-Fiction, Law Books, Non-fiction Personal Development
General NonFiction Books refer to a broad category of literature that provides factual information about various topics such as laws, personal development, and more. This classification encompasses a wide range of subjects and genres, excluding fictional narratives, and is primarily focused on imparting factual knowledge to the reader.
Child Hierarchical Categories
Art and Photography Nonfiction
Biography and Autobiography
Business and Economics Nonfiction
Career Development Books
Cooking Nonfiction
Cultural NonFiction
Educational Books
Environmental Nonfiction
Health and Fitness Nonfiction
Inspirational NonFiction
Law Casebooks
Law Textbooks
Legal education books
Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility Books
Legal Guides
Legal History Books
Legal profession books
Legal Reference Books
Legal SelfHelp Books
Legal Theory and Philosophy Books
Legal writing books
Military NonFiction
Motivational NonFiction
Nonfiction History Books
Parenting Nonfiction
Personal Finance Books
Personal Growth Books
Philosophy Nonfiction
Political Nonfiction
Psychology Nonfiction
Religion and Spirituality Nonfiction
Science and Technology Nonfiction
Selfhelp books
SelfImprovement Nonfiction
Social Science Nonfiction
Sports Nonfiction
Travel NonFiction
True Crime Nonfiction