
Definition of Religion Top Level Hierarchical Category

Religion refers to a set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual or divine leader. It involves aspects of faith, worship, rituals, morality, and a worldview that often includes an understanding of the universe, life, and afterlife. It often encompasses sacred texts, holy places, and specific traditions that form the basis of personal and communal identity. This category could span from organized global faiths, like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, to indigenous tribal beliefs and new-age spiritual movements.

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3D Printing Abundance Accomplish Achieve Adventure Advise Afro-Caribbean Religions Afterlife Agnosticism Align Amish Ancient Egyptian Religion Angel Anglicanism Animals Animism Anthropology Antichrist Appreciate Archery Architecture Art Artificial Intelligence Aspire Astrology Atheism Authority Auto Racing Baha'i Bahaism Baking Balance Baptist Baseball Basketball Beauty Belief Bhagavad Gita Biotechnology Blessed Bonus Book of Mormon Boxing Brotherhood Buddhism Buddhist Philosophy Business Camping Celebrity Celtic Religion Ceremony Challenge Champion Change Charity Chess Christian Philosophy Christianity Clean Eating Clergy Climate Change Climbing Coach Coaching Comedy Command Comment Communicate Community Comparative Religion Compassion Competition Concentrate Confucian Philosophy Confucianism Connect Conservation Consult Contest Control Cooking Counsel Counseling Creation Creativity Creed Crossword Cults Culture Cycling Dance Deal Deity Delight Demon Design Destiny Detox Development Devil Dharma Diet Direct Discount Discovery Diversity Divine Doctrine Donate Drama Dream Drink Druidism Eastern Orthodox Eco Education Electric Cars Empowerment Enjoy Enlightenment Entertainment Entrepreneurship Environment Episcopalian Esotericism Ethics Evangelicalism Evil Evolution Exam Exercise Existence Experience Exploration Faith Fame Fashion Fasting Fate Fellowship Feng Shui Film Finance Fishing Fitness Focus Follow Food Football Forgiveness Fortune Freedom Fun Future Game Games Gaming Gardening Genetics Gift Give Global Warming Gluten-Free Gnosticism God Goddess Golf Good Gospel Grateful Greek Religion Green Growth Guide Happiness Harmonize Healing Health Heaven Hell Hellenism Help Hero Hiking Hindu Philosophy Hinduism History Holy Homily Hope Horse Racing Humanity Humor Hunting Icon Idol Imam Influence Innovation Insight Inspiration Integrate Internet Intuition Investment Islam Islamic Philosophy Jainism Jehovah's Witness Jewish Philosophy Join Joy Judaism Justice Kabbalah Karma Knowledge Lead Leadership Learn Legend Life Like Listen Literature Love Lucky Lutheran Luxury Manage Management Marketing Martial Arts Mechanotheism Media Medicine Meditation Mennonite Mentor Mercy Messiah Methodist Mindfulness Ministry Mobile Monk Morality Mormonism Motivation Music Mysticism Mythology Nanotechnology Native American Religion Nature Network New Age New Thought Nirvana Nonviolence Norse Religion Numerology Nun Nutrition Occultism Offer Organic Organize Paganism Paleo Pali Canon Palmistry Pantheism Participate Peace Pentecostalism Pets Philosophy Photography Pilates Pilgrimage Plan Pleasure Poker Poll Pollution Popularity Power Prayer Preaching Presbyterian Present Priest Prioritize Prize Prophet Prosperity Protestantism Psychology Purgatory Puzzle Quakerism Quakers Quiz Rabbi Rastafarianism Rate Raw Read Real Estate Reality Recovery Recycling Reiki Reincarnation Religious History Religious Philosophy Religious Rituals Religious Studies Religious Texts Renewable Energy Reputation Respect Review Reward Ritual Robotics Roman Catholic Roman Religion Running Sacrament Sacred Saint Sales Samsara Satan Satanism Savior Science Scientology Scripture Sermon Serve Seventh-day Adventist Shamanism Share Shinto Shintoism Shooting Sign Up Sikhism Sin Sisterhood Skiing Snowboarding Soccer Social Media Sociology Solar Power Soul Speak Spirit Spiritualism Spirituality Sports Star Strategize Strive Study Style Subscribe Success Sudoku Sufism Superfoods Support Surfing Surprise Survey Sustainability Swimming Talmud Taoism Taoist Philosophy Tarot Teach Technology Tennis Test Thankful Thelema Theology Theosophy Therapy Tolerance Train Training Transformation Travel Treat Tripitaka Trivia Truth Understanding Unitarian Universalism Unite Unity Universe Upanishads Vedas Vegan Vegetarian Victory Virtual Reality Virtue Volunteer Voodoo Vote Walking Waste Wealth Weight Loss Wellness Wicca Wildlife Win Wind Power Wisdom Wish Worship Wrestling Write Yoga Zen Zohar Zoroastrianism
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