Rooftop Gardening
Definition of Rooftop Gardening Hierarchical Category as it relates to Gardening
Rooftop Gardening refers to the cultivation of plants on the top of buildings, either in standalone containers, modular systems, or in a fully integrated landscape. This form of gardening is often utilized in urban areas where land is limited. It includes the growing of various types of plants ranging from fruits and vegetables to flowers and shrubs, often incorporating elements of design and architecture. It also includes the understanding of specific horticultural practices required due to unique conditions such as wind exposure and weight limitations.
Child Hierarchical Categories
Balcony Gardening
Community Gardening
Container Gardening
Flower Gardening
Fruit Gardening
Greenhouse Gardening
Herb Gardening
Indoor Gardening
Organic Gardening
Ornamental Gardening
Patio Gardening
Perennial Gardening
Raised Bed Gardening
Rooftop Vegetable Gardening
Shade Gardening
Succulent Gardening
Terrace Gardening
Urban Gardening
Vertical Gardening
Water Gardening